I have some questions, maybe you can help….
My system:
PC: Athlon64 3400+, 2GB Ram, 2x LPT PCI-Card
1x Pokeys 57u
1x Siemens Micromaster Vector FU
ISEL Spindel 22000U/min
Mill: X630 Y450 Z220 Portal
Motors: X 1.8Grad/2A, Y1/Y2 1.8Grad/2A, Z1/Z2 1.8Grad/2A, A 1.8Grad/2A 12:64
I have Limitswitches only for Xmin and Ymin connected, but i want Xmax,Xmin, Ymax,Ymin, Zmax,Zmin .
1) Is it possible to use POKEYS for all Limitswitches or does it have tob e the LPT?
how to set it up for use with Pokeys?
2) How to setup the mill stopping when a limitswitch ist pushed?
3) are Softlimits for Maschinekoordinaten?
4) I want to start the spindel when push start button even there are no M3 or S… codes and stop it after program
6) Is it possible to connect 7segment LED for DROs on POKEYS ?
7) Why does Mach3 do a reset after using a wizzard? ...and how to setup so the enable-line stays on?
Thank you,