two ways I can think of.
First: Pound Variable method
All variables within Mach, and there are thousands of them, are accessible using pound variable notation, #nnnn
I don't offhand know what variable number is for instance associated with Machs Output1, lets say #5677
To cause Ouput1 to go high you would code
To cause it to go low
The only real difficulty with this method is trying to find a definitive list of assigned pound variables, my understanding
is that as Mach developed some of the variable numbers changed adding to the challenge.
Second: DRO/LED method
In VisualBasic or rather CypressEnable, the VB scripting language of Mach3, there are instructions of the type
Where nnn is the DRO number of a variable of Mach3. For instance DRO800 is the x-axis DRO on Machs screen.
Similarly there are instructions of the type
which can be used to set/unset an LED.
Neither of these instructions could be used in a Gcode program as is, the Gcode interpreter has no idea what setOMDRO(...) means.
CE instructions have to be put in a macro that the Gcode interpreter can run.
Lets say for example you wish to turn an output on and you called the macro to do it M150. If you put a line M150
in your Gcode program Mach would execute the instructions contained in M150. M150 might look a bit like this:
Given that turning on an output is so simple it doesn't really give you a feel for what can be achieved with macros.
Have a look at Operator/VB Script Editor and open and have a look at some of them, M600 is a doozy!
Mach3 Version 3.x
Macro Programmers Reference Manual
is pretty much essential reading if you wish to write macros and there is some good videos
on the Artsoft site about macros.