Thanks for the reply,
Things have moved on a lot since my last post, i have found that uninstalling windows sp2 regaind control over the limit switches to the extent that i could see the lights on the diagnostic page and run g-code ( road runner ) however i noticed that as i swoped from one program to another playing with the machine ( as one does )i was loosing control over funtions that i could give. foe example i lost input on the numeric section of the keypad so that i could not change the values oth position.
This has made me think that there must be somthing fundimentaly wrong with my pc even though it seems to work well with other progerames.
so this has led to the next question, how many people out there have had simular problems or is it my cranky pc, afterall it is a 1GHz P3 it should work fine, but somthing is wromg...