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Author Topic: Spindle runs backwards  (Read 2613 times)

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Spindle runs backwards
« on: February 28, 2017, 02:12:39 PM »
Boxford TCL160
Smooth stepper + CM106 BOB


I think my Chuck(Spindle) is running backwards!
When the chuck is viewed end on it is running counter clockwise. It should be running clockwise.

My VFD is controlled from 0-5Vdc and the speed runs ok from 0 through 1800rpm in keeping with whatever I feed into the M3  i.e M3 S500 I get 500rpm

Any ideas why this is happening, Looks like I have some incorrect setting.

One step at a time!
Re: Spindle runs backwards
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2017, 05:18:36 PM »
Boxford TCL160
Smooth stepper + CM106 BOB


I think my Chuck(Spindle) is running backwards!
When the chuck is viewed end on it is running counter clockwise. It should be running clockwise.

My VFD is controlled from 0-5Vdc and the speed runs ok from 0 through 1800rpm in keeping with whatever I feed into the M3  i.e M3 S500 I get 500rpm

Any ideas why this is happening, Looks like I have some incorrect setting.

I reversed two of the connections on my spindle drive and all was well.
One step at a time!