Hi All,
I have a new 6040Z machine I purchased off Aliexpress. It is a newer machine, that has the usb port only.
I have purchased Mach3 and have used some of the script ('porbe') and a plugin called NcUsbPod.dll that the Chinese supplier sent me.
I am following the tutorials as best as I can, though much of the parallel port info is not applicable to me.
I am up to Homing, Limits and Offsets. I have wired in limit switches, and now I am trying to set the machine coordinates. When I hit 'reference all home', my Z axis moves downwards (in the negative direction). From the tutorial, it seems it should home upwards.
Also when I manually trigger the limit switch, it all shuts down, rather than visit the next home switch.
http://imgur.com/iVKowmm < item on Aliexpress
http://imgur.com/HUk6UGG < assembled
Thanks for checking out my problem!