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Author Topic: from k-cam to mach 3 some issues  (Read 1717 times)

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from k-cam to mach 3 some issues
« on: December 26, 2016, 05:56:52 PM »
hello, im new here. i have a  cnc router working thru parallel port and came with kcam

now, i prefer to use mach 3 and sheet cam (or vectris since it seems much more robust, so i managed to configure the ports for X Y Z  and switches for spindle flood (really lantern and exrtactor) etc. but still works somehow weird

with k cam moves  quite well smooth but when go to mach3 seems weird. i tried to adjust speed and step but does not sound the same

here is the caleery for comparison https://goo.gl/photos/K13XHRhsBWeKGhcM7

the first is the config from the KCAM
the second is the config in MACH3d

everything is in metric system
the steps are wel i chequed against a ruler seems to be good 10 mm in the ruler = 10 mm in the machine

but the speed and ramp and general sound is not the same i fear to brake the motors or something.

lastly in the second picture i increased speed values because if i puut the same i got in kcam is toooo slow

thanks in advance

can you help me please?