I am experiencing wired behaviour in Mach 4
Im trying out the M6 command and have rewritten DTG:s M6 Script to suit my needs.
Problem is I am getting the wrong value in my script from "mc.mcToolGetSelected(inst)"
M6 Script outline:
function M6()
local inst = mc.mcGetInstance();
local changeToTool = mc.mcToolGetSelected(inst)
local changeFromTool = mc.mcToolGetCurrent(inst)
wx.wxMessageBox("ToolChange from T"..changeFromTool.." to T"..changeToTool.." Press OK to run M6 script")
1) Start Mashine
2) Start Mach4
3) Select Screen (wxRouterSet - Copy)
4) Enter number of the tool in the mashine into toolinformation/CurrentTool textfield (10)
5) Ref all home
6) Jog to where i want to set work Zero
7) Press zero X, Y ,Z
Run G-Code:
G21 G90 G64 G40
G0 Z10.0
T10 M6
The message bow that pops up Says: ToolChange from T10 to T1 Why? It shouls say T10 instead of T1.....
Where does T1 Come from?
Please advise!!