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Author Topic: How would I drive an output from ARCok on THC  (Read 3470 times)

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How would I drive an output from ARCok on THC
« on: December 06, 2016, 08:09:52 AM »
I know there is an option in config ports and pins that when THC is On it will drive output 5, but that is not what I am after as it is not a reading of THC OK from the controller.

What I am wondering is how when the input THC in active can I drive another output such as 2 or 3 etc.

I assume it would have to be some form of VB, but not sure?

Re: How would I drive an output from ARCok on THC
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2016, 01:34:55 PM »
What do you want to do with it?

The reason why I ask, is because a macroloop can monitor thc and trigger how many outputs you require, but you will have a minimum 100msec delay.

Albert Einstein ― “If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”
Re: How would I drive an output from ARCok on THC
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2016, 01:47:50 PM »
I have a resistor from the tip of the torch to work piece to give me a pilot arc, I am considering a relay output to remove this resistor path so that it has no effect on THC Volts, so just need one output.  One hundred milliseconds would not be an issue.

The hope being when I turn the torch off and the THCok or Arc OK signal goes away then I can put the path back to work in place.

I have not really figured yet if it makes a difference being in or not, so trying to figure options.

Re: How would I drive an output from ARCok on THC
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2016, 02:22:54 PM »
These three documents should be alongside all your other manuals for Mach3:


The setup a macropump, enable the checkbox within the mach3 configuration tab as shown below.

Write the macropump using your prefered text file editor, and save the macropump within the profile you want it to run.
Highly recommend notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/

The file is saved as a macropump.m1s file.

The following will toggle Output 2 and 3 when the THCOK is enabled by monitoring the

Code: [Select]
If GetOEMLED(36) = 1 'THC ARC Good LED
ActivateOutput(OUTPUT2) ' turn on output #2
ActivateOutput(OUTPUT3) ' turn on output #3
  Message " ARC OK ACTIVE " 'adds a status message to the status line

DeactivateOutput(OUTPUT2) ' turn off output #2
DeactivateOutput(OUTPUT3) ' turn off output #3
  Message " ARC OK LOST "  'adds a status message to the status line

End If
Sleep (100)

« Last Edit: December 06, 2016, 02:25:06 PM by robertspark »

Albert Einstein ― “If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”
Re: How would I drive an output from ARCok on THC
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2016, 03:16:27 PM »
Hi Robert,

I was not expecting you to write the program for me, but it is appreciated.  I have not used VB but it looks very much like C programming or to be honest most of them.

It shows my ignorance of mach3 as I thought that these were reference to coolant pumps ???

Just found a mention it in the using Mach3mill that I have printed off every 200 ms, should still be OK.

I thank you for the links to the information I have the first 2 just downloaded the third, more in depth printing and reading required over time.

Thanks again.


Offline Hood

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Re: How would I drive an output from ARCok on THC
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2016, 03:25:11 PM »
I may be wrong but I think it will require
ActivateSignal rather than ActivateOutPut
Re: How would I drive an output from ARCok on THC
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2016, 03:39:11 PM »
Oops.... Yeah, it might do.... (In my defence I was multitasking with two kids and a brownies Christmas fare )... Men don't multitask well.


Albert Einstein ― “If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”
Re: How would I drive an output from ARCok on THC
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2016, 03:41:37 PM »
I have just run a test cutting strips out of 2mm sheet and measured the voltage across the Pilot resister when the arc is OK and I get typically 4 volts, the max I saw it go up to was 7 Volts, but a bit hard to trust a digital meter!

The resistor is 20 Ohms so even at 7 volts that is only 0.35 Amps going through it out of a typical 27 Amp cutting arc so 1.3%, wondering if it will really make that much difference?

I could be worrying over nothing.
