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Author Topic: Mach4, C11 BOB, & Huanyang VFD - how to control spindle?  (Read 12898 times)

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Mach4, C11 BOB, & Huanyang VFD - how to control spindle?
« on: November 08, 2016, 04:02:08 PM »
I think I'm losing my mind. ??? I've been over hundreds of forum posts and tried every conceivable configuration of Mach4 I can find. I cannot figure out this VFD.

I have a 3 KW Spindle
Huanyang 3 KW VFD
, a C11 Breakout Board and an  Ethernet SmoothStepper

ESS Plugins are enabled and XYZ, homing, and everything else works. I can control the relays on the BOB, but I can't get Mach4 to control the spindle. Spindle works, I was able to manually control it from the VFD with it completely disconnected.

Here's pics of the breakout board (I'm assuming I'm supposed to be using pin 14 and 16, one for direction/enable and one for a 0-10v analog output for speed control) as well as the input to the VFD.

I have the spindle configured in ESS as PWM, although I've tried step/dir, and relay. Pin 14 is my 0-10v analog output, and pin 16 is a relay to control enabling/direction.

I realize you can't trace the wire connectivity in the pictures, but where am I off on this? What needs to connect where, and what should my Mach4 settings be?

thanks in advance
Re: Mach4, C11 BOB, & Huanyang VFD - how to control spindle?
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2016, 04:12:37 PM »
Use a voltmeter to make sure that you are getting 0-10v when you command a spindle speed from Mach. This should be pin14.
Verify that the VFD is setup for external speed control via analog input.

We never have the time or money to do it right the first time, but we somehow manage to do it twice and then spend the money to get it right.
Re: Mach4, C11 BOB, & Huanyang VFD - how to control spindle?
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2016, 04:41:39 PM »
I am not getting 0-10v. It must be a Mach setting that's wrong. VFD is configured for external by configuring Parameter 0001 for external.

Re: Mach4, C11 BOB, & Huanyang VFD - how to control spindle?
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2016, 05:12:16 PM »
I would disconnect all of the spindle wiring from the BOB and keep testing until you get the 0-10v. Then work you way to the VFD. You may want to start testing at the ESS as to eliminate the BOB as a problem.
I am not an ESS user so I probably won't be of much more help.
We never have the time or money to do it right the first time, but we somehow manage to do it twice and then spend the money to get it right.
Re: Mach4, C11 BOB, & Huanyang VFD - how to control spindle?
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2016, 08:14:48 PM »
I've now gotten voltage on pin 14. My base PWM frequency is 1000hz, the ESS Base frequency is 25hz, and when I command different spindle speeds in Mach4, my voltmeter picks up voltages from 0-7 volts. I can't get it to go to 10v at 18000 RPM.

Re: Mach4, C11 BOB, & Huanyang VFD - how to control spindle?
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2016, 08:51:41 PM »
I'm still unsure on what connections from my breakout board need to be made to the VFD. Additionally, what do the Mach4 configuration settings need to be for my frequencies?

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Re: Mach4, C11 BOB, & Huanyang VFD - how to control spindle?
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2016, 01:29:05 AM »
So you got an output that goes to 7v max at 18000 rpm, those types of graphs are excellant, but try doing one first from the ESS and to see if your getting the full 5v from the ESS, if this the case then you are setup ESS wise and need to sort the c11.

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Re: Mach4, C11 BOB, & Huanyang VFD - how to control spindle?
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2016, 11:48:54 AM »
With this type board there is a POT that you can adjust to make sure you are getting full scale voltage, meaning all the way to 10V.  It is yellow on your particular board with the number 304 printed on the pot.  Look at your instructions on your particular board and they will have instructions on how to adjust the pot.  Most of these boards run on 5V so they use a circuit to create the higher voltage.  Once you get this adjusted so you can swing from 0 to 10V then you can hook up your VFD and it will all work correctly.

Re: Mach4, C11 BOB, & Huanyang VFD - how to control spindle?
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2016, 06:32:56 PM »
Got it. I adjusted pot output to max 10v. However, I don't know which wires to connect to the VFD. See my original post for the pics of the VFD and output from breakout board.
Re: Mach4, C11 BOB, & Huanyang VFD - how to control spindle?
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2016, 08:24:32 AM »
This is actually very easy.  ACM is the analog common on the VFD, that connects to analog common on your little board.  Keep in mind that Common is not a ground common the only thing connected to it should be the common on the VFD.  Now the VFD uses VI as the analog voltage input for speed, that connects to the analog output that goes from 0-10V on your little board.  There are two relays on these boards they are used to control the direction of the spindle and enable the spindle.  They can be configured to operate in the US standard or the European standard.  You have to adjust little jumpers to which standard you would like to use.  You also have to tell the VFD which standard you are going to use.

The wires for the VFD are the DCM, FWD, REV only three wires are required for the direction control.
