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Author Topic: tell me about importing a jpeg image and converting it to G-code  (Read 3116 times)

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I am using Mach2 from 2004-05. It is the trial version. I am interested now in using it commercially and getting the licensed version to make pantographs in aluminum plate from a customer provided image, if this is possible. Can some kind soul show me some examples of what is possible? I have seen examples on the web of intricate patterns having been turned into carved wood, acrylic aluminum, etc. Also I am curious how the software deals with different colors. Does it convert color to tool depth? Thanks in advance for any help!
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Re: tell me about importing a jpeg image and converting it to G-code
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2007, 01:42:36 PM »
Use Mach3 if you can and it will come with a free version of Lcam. In lcam you can make a file from an image, it is doing this by converting to gray scale and applying depth to the shade of gray... Try it, it is free ;)
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