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Author Topic: A Axis not Rotary but Affected by Rot 360 Rollover  (Read 2163 times)

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A Axis not Rotary but Affected by Rot 360 Rollover
« on: May 29, 2016, 05:55:16 PM »
I've configured my A axis as linear by unchecking "A axis is Angular" on the General Config page.  Nevertheless, when I give a code a move in the negative direction, the axis moves in the positive direction as if it were angular.  I have determined that if on the General Config page I uncheck the "Rot 360 Rollover" the axis behaves as I want a linear axis to do. 

Unfortunately, this means that I cannot use the Rollover feature on my B or C rotary axes.  This appears to be a bug in the Mach 3 software.  Does anyone have any comments or suggestions?

By the way, I have also found I can have the axis operate correctly as a linear axis even when the "Rot 360 Rollover" box is checked, but this requires going to Incremental Mode (G91) and out again every time I want to move in the negative direction.

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Re: A Axis not Rotary but Affected by Rot 360 Rollover
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2016, 05:27:47 AM »
I remember a conversation with Art Fennerty when he said checking "A axis is Angular"  does one thing and one thing only.

That is, it tells Mach3 to NOT scale the A axis DRO when changing from G20 to G21 or vice versa.  Nothing else.

So that would suggest to me you may be stuck with this particular issue.
Re: A Axis not Rotary but Affected by Rot 360 Rollover
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2016, 12:50:35 AM »
Thanks for the advice.  Disappointing but at least there is a work-around.  I may see if I can build a "Brain" to do what I want.