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Author Topic: Need a macro to change a file name.  (Read 2240 times)

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Need a macro to change a file name.
« on: May 24, 2016, 05:20:38 PM »
I need a macro for a button that if pressed will ask for a new file name and then change the current saved g-code file name (e.g., circle.tap) to that new name.  For instance, I create a G-code file using the Code command, then load that file.  I want to then change the name of this file from circle.tap to circle1.tap.   I tried to do this with the FILENAME command but must be doing something wrong.  Can anyone suggest the correct syntax?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Need a macro to change a file name.
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2016, 06:34:07 AM »
Hi neilrlw,
I'm very new at this so it may not help....

This is part of a script I wrote to introduce a correction into a Gcode file.
Note I used a fixed path to a file in myDocuments. Then used a dialog box
to get the name of the specific Gcode file, opened it as input and created
a new file with 'CORRECTED' inserted in the original name as output.

 Begin Dialog filenameinput 16,30,180,96,"filename input"
 OKButton 132,20,40,14
 Text 8,8,32,8,""
 TextBox 8,20,100,12,.inputname
 End Dialog
 Dim Dlg1 As filenameinput
 Dialog  Dlg1
origname=pathname & Dlg1.inputname
modname=pathname & "CORRECTED" & Dlg1.inputname

It might be a dirty trick but you could do similar

pathname="C:\.........(to your file directory of interest)"

Use a textbox to get the name of the specific file you want...
The complete filename would be...

origname=pathname&Dlg1.inputname              'inputname="circle.tap" for instance

and the modified filename could be....

modname=pathname & "MODIFIED" &Dlg1.inputname

Now open the original as input and the modified as output and copy line by line
until the end of the file...

Open origname For Input As #1
Open modname For Output As #2
While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, currline
Print #2,currline

As I say it is a cheap and dirty trick but it worked. There was of course a bit more code
within the body of the loop to effect the correction I needed to make but still it worked.

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