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Author Topic: Auto tool zero and offsets  (Read 2027 times)

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Auto tool zero and offsets
« on: April 30, 2016, 01:36:27 PM »
Hey everyone.

Need some help using the offsets. I touch a surface movable senzor for setting the Z0. After the first cutting is finished i manual change the tool and click at the auto tool zero. The machine moves to the senzor and measures the tool.
But when i push the cycle start the Z level is not the correct height.  I would like that when i change the second tool the machine after measurement starts working at the right level.

What im doing wrong?

Best regards
Re: Auto tool zero and offsets
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2016, 01:55:35 PM »
Im using a CSMIO_IPM  and  the script from the lab site.