Greetings again.
Ok, last time I posted here, I was having issues with my 2.2kw spindle causing E-Stop signals being sent. The answer was for me to shield the cable that connected from my VFD to the spindle. So, I did. I bought special wire that's well shielded. Still having issues, but they're different now.
More info here...It's a Gecko G540 on a home built machine.
I have grounded the machine, spindle, shielded cable to ground via a ground wire to my outlet. I have also wrapped my spindle in electrical tape and put it back in mount to isolate it from machine.
I have turned my Debounce down from 2000 to 0. Sure enough it will run, for a bit. After anywhere from 30 to 180 seconds, it will throw an e-stop. So, things are MUCH better for sure. But I'm concerned I may still lose steps.
At first I turned my Debounce to 2000 to avoid the signal issue, but noticed that the machine would lose a TON of stop and wreck a project half way through. I assumed that was due to the signal issues. Even @ 2000, it will still throw a stop signal every so often. I would just click start to resume it and it would carry on, but I believe it was in those moments that steps were lost.
For troubleshooting, I took the spindle out of the mount and ran a job on the machine. It didn't stop once. NO problems at all. I can run the job with the spindle in the machine so long as it's not running, no problems at all. But if I turn it on, it's only a matter of time before an EStop is thrown.
What am I missing? Why am I still getting estops through every so often? Thanks for any advice!