Hello All members,
This is my first post in our forum. so basically what made me start this thread is using of Formula in Mach3
i learned and solved equations for Scara arm and many trigo formulas for test. so at this time i tested one Z axis Compensation formula in which There is Rotary B axis in head, which needed value of tool height, so as shown in formula dialogue box i put T letter in length offset, but t is not working anyhow. don't know why but even if i put 1 in t value and put function in any axis like F(A) =T result shows 0 always whenever i try to include T letter in Formula it shows 0 no matter how actual result should be but it fails to calculate estimated results and always end up with 0. any one can throw some light how to use T in this formula

Here is screenshot of formula i tried and test results as well in respective box.