I can not get a 10vdc signal on my analog output from my c32/ESS setup. I measure .4vdc constantly, but can not get anything else. I have tried to follow the manual, and no luck. I can get 10vdc to the analog, but only if I use step low active, but can not shut if off then unless I uncheck low active. When I do get that, it shows relay #1 active, if I check direction low active, relay #2 and axis 6 (rj45 port) show 1-14 and 1-16 are getting a signal. So it is obvious that I must have my pin setup wrong somehow.
I use mdi and type in s4000 m3 (top rpm) and it shows it should be running, but get nothing my my constant .4 volts.
I have tried several different setups, but this is what the manual says.
Motor outputs tab:
spindle enabled, step pin# 14, direction pin# 16, port 1 for both
It says nothing about outputs, so no change there
Spindle setup tab:
uncheck disable spindle relays
Clockwise (m3) output# 2
CCW (m4) output #1
not sure how these work and why the it states "outputs signals 1-6" when those are not valid outputs for port 1??? I thought they were only 2-9 on port 1 and 1,14,16 and 17 on port 2???
Motor control box:
check on Use spindle motor output
check on Step/dir motor
then I went to motor tuning
chose the spindle tab, turned up the velocity, moved accel to about 1/4, steps to 1000, step pulse 5, dir pulse 1.
Once I have this working correctly I can hook it up to my vfd (hitachi wj200) and deal with the "issues there", then I can actually start to cut some chips after having this mill for three years!
Please help, I am lost!