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Author Topic: USB_SS and digital I/O  (Read 28274 times)

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USB_SS and digital I/O
« on: June 25, 2015, 02:27:58 PM »

I have problems with the Smooth Stepper. Pulses and direction work very well, is soft all the time, but I have problems with other signals.

The PWM to 5Hz not work well, does not send pulses.
The spindle speed index of not read correctly the inductive sensor, this has a groove per revolution.  If this rotates at 1000rpm, sometimes it appears 1000 and any other value as 15000
I have to send the speed command through the macro M3 which sent a number of pulses which is the speed between 50, that is, if i want to send 1000rpm then sending N = 1000/50 = 20 pulses, the PLC reconstructs speed. With the parallel port was 20ms between pulses, however with the SS I have to give 100ms between pulses to leave full.
In conclusion discrete inputs and outputs with the SS are slow and imprecise.

Some general configuration will be missing me?

Re: USB_SS and digital I/O
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2015, 06:27:46 PM »
The PWM output works fine on the SmoothStepper.

You need to set it up it the SmoothStepper Config tab, not the Poerts and pins config tab.

Also you need to ensure that you set an acceleration  value for the spindle axis in the motor tuning tab.


Homann Designs
email: peter at homanndesigns.com