Gerry and all, I am running into a problem with two inputs not saving in a way that they do not reload after i shut down Mach 3 and restart the program, with or without a computer restart. My native units is in MM and I operate in inches, set through the Settings tab (Lock DRO to setup units in General Configuration screen is off). I have set my Safe Z to 0.5" and saved the configuration using the last command in the Config menu. When I shut down the program, with or without saving the fixture, and restart it using the same (only) profile I use, the program comes back up with the DROs in MM and the Safe Z set at 0.1968503937007874 (5 MM divided by 25.4 mm/inch as it turns out). and I have to manually reset at least these two functions every time I restart the program. So far nothing in the manual to help; can you offer any suggestions on this problem? Thanks for your help.