So I've got an old Bridgeport BOSS 3 that's been converted to run under Mach. I didn't do the conversion, I bought it already set up this way. It runs very nicely, but there's one quirk that I don't really like, and that's the VFD. The machine is set up so that if I set the Varidrive to 2000 RPM, the output from Mach to the VFD will have more or less the correct speeds ... but I don't get the same torque that I'd get if I just use the Varidrive.
What I've been doing is just putting values of S2000 in my programs (that gives me 60 Hz, more or less, at the VFD) and then using the Varidrive to control my actual spindle speed. This is annoying because when I'm doing my CAM stuff (I use Autodesk Inventor HSM), I get screwy values for my SFM and chip load, plus I have to remember to manually set my speed to 2000 for every tool. (Yes, I know I could just edit my tool library for the default value, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.)
What I'd like to do is tell Mach 3 to just ignore the S command and just always give a command of 2000 RPM to the VFD. Is there any convenient way to do this? When I set the pulley max / min to 1999 and 2001, that doesn't seem to work - if it gets a command outside that range the spindle doesn't turn on.
Thanks in advance!