I've read so much about CV settings, trying to figure it out myself, that I can no longer even see straight when I think about CV settings. I know they can vary from machine to machine, but I don't even know where to start.
The machine is a 4' x 8' Vytek Rebel CNC router table. The issue is rounded inside corners. Outside corners are fine. I didn't have any CV issues until I figured out my feed rates were too slow, which was why I mostly made dust instead of chips. So, along came me needing to route some aluminum plate, and I knew I had to have my feeds & speeds dialed in. Once I had my feed rates correct, higher, I started noticing the rounded inside corner problems.
I need help figuring out how to get my CV settings correct. I've attached screen shots of some of my Mach3 settings in case it'll help.
Does LookAhead affect CV results? Mine was set to 20, but I read that it should be 200, so I set it at 200.
Do X, Y, & Z, velocities & accelerations affect CV results? I got my initial settings from the place I got my control box from and I've never run the motor tuning stuff in Mach3. Are there any changes with velocities & accelerations I should make?
Does toolpath feed rate affect CV results? It seems that I had no CV rounded corners when I had my feed rates too slow. After I increased feed rate to get chips, not dust, I noticed the rounded inside corners. Why would I get rounded inside corners, but nice sharp outside corners?
What are the units in CV Dist Tolerance? Mine's set at 180 units. Is that 180 thousandths? 180 stepper steps? Or something else? What should I have that set to?
Stop CV on angles Mine's unchecked. Should I enable it, and what should that angle be?
What's G100 Adaptive NurbsCV? I have it enabled... Should I?
I'm lost. I'm trying to learn the intricacies in Mach3 so I can figure this kind of thing out myself, but I'm overwhelmed with the CV stuff.
Does anybody have any ideas for me? I'd sure appreciated it!.