If you want a tool table to import this may help. It has a generic listing I made of Drills and Mills upto an Inch and 20MM with both metric and Imperial dimensions of each.
Just cut and shut in Excel to get what you need then make a macro to import them into Mach3 tool Table.
And no i haven't made a macro as yet
I believe there may be one somewhere. If any one finds it post it here and we can all use it.
Feel free to add to the list if you want.
These are the various formats to extract the data so the reverse will get it in. These are simply info I have collected from this Forum. So kudos to the guys who put them up.
G Code Example :
G10 L1 P~ X~ Z~ (Description)
P = Tool Number
X = Diameter
Z = Offset
Macro Example:
'Macro ToolTable Report
'newer version will poll up To 225 tools And skip Any tool With a description of "empty"
' overwrite file = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\ToolInfo.txt
textFilePath = "C:\mach3\ToolInfo.txt"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(textFilePath)
Do Until num=225
N = GetToolDesc(num)
D = GetToolParam(num,1)
L = GetToolParam(num,2)
WD= Gettoolparam(num,3)
WL= Gettoolparam(num,4)
If N <>"Empty" Then
objTextFile.WriteLine("*Tool"& num &" * "& N &" *Diameter: "& D &" *Length: "& L &" *Wear Diam"&WD &" *WearLength"&WL & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
End If
Dim sCOMMAND As String
sCOMMAND="print c:\mach3\toolinfo.txt"
Shell("c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c" & sCOMMAND)
VB Example
Option Explicit
Dim Response As Integer
Dim Path As String
Dim ToolNumber As Integer
Dim ToolDiameter As Double
Dim ToolLength As Double
Dim ToolDescription As String
Dim i As Integer
'Note the GetMainFolder is incorrect I beleive
Path = GetMainFolder & "myTools.txt"
Open Path For Output As #1
Print #1, "Mach3 Tooltable printout" & Date() & " " & Time(Now)
Print #1, ""
Print #1, "Tool:" & Chr(9) & "Diam:" & Chr(9) & "Length:" & Chr(9) &
For ToolNumber = 1 To 250
ToolDiameter = GetToolParam(ToolNumber, 1)
ToolLength = GetToolParam(ToolNumber, 2)
ToolDescription = GetToolDesc(ToolNumber)
Print #1, ToolNumber & Chr(9) & ToolDiameter & Chr(9) & ToolLength & Chr(9)
& ToolDescription
Response = MsgBox("Your file is at the following location: " & Path, 0)
Close #1