Hey Guys,
Sorry about the length, but best you know what going on in full
I have a 3 Axis Router, with Slave on X (B Axis)
Running a ESS and breakout board
Licenced version of Mach 3
Mostly cutting 3mm thick plastic shapes (only cut, dont cut on the Z (Z-3 to Z15))
Been running fine for about 2 years...... and then......
Every now and then, when I first start the machine, and jog around to make sure everything is working.
If, before homing, if I put cordinates into the MDI window, the Salve would run the wrong way
But manual Jog no problem.
So home the system, and everything would be fine
While cutting, the B Axis would stop.
Jog no problem, but sometimes I would have to turn off / on that axis Power Supply
Re Home, and progress with the cut (and recut the error later)
By the end of the day, it would bearly get 10 cuts, and stop
Thinking that there might be dust in the Linear Bearings, I cleaned, oiled and reinstalled.
Problem remained
The problem is progressively getting worse, and the motor makes a growling/grinding noise.
Now, just even going back & forth with the arrows, the motor does not allway rotate the right direction
Thinking it could be the controller, Ive swapped to use the Z axis controller on the Slave, but same problem
I changed out the motor, nope.
However, If in Mach3, I change the motor to Z (for example), back & forth no problem
Change the setting back to it being the Slave - problem.
I am totally confused
Help !
Thanks in advance