Thanks for the ideas, both look like good ones. I did manage to add a timer in, but will look at the "IsMoving LED" as well.
One other problem I have is when the "RefAll" terminator goes active, All axis simultaneously go RefHome. I would like it to run exactly as I it does if I press the button on the screen with the mouse, which has the following code;
DoOemButton (1024)
While IsMoving()
DoOemButton (1023)
While IsMoving()
DoOemButton (1022)
While IsMoving()
DoOemButton (1026)
While IsMoving()
The only way I can think of doing this is to set a USERLED as a terminator, then monitor this LED with a macropump and when it goes active get the macropump to run this code.
I cant work out how to get the macropump to have the safety checks, or the brain to do the refhome how I want it, so it looks like I have to run both.
I'm using dual steppers on an axis that I want to home separately to keep gantry square.