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Author Topic: Following Error on Initialize  (Read 13683 times)

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Following Error on Initialize
« on: March 08, 2015, 10:13:54 PM »
I have a 3-axis system with CUI encoders on stepper motors.  The system is configured to home to sensor then to encoder index. 
The 1st time I initialize any of the axis the motor will:
1.  Home to the sensor
2.  Move back to find the index pulse
3.  Fault and give a error "ERROR following limit exceeded on axis 2.  Servo disarmed"  The error will list the correct axis that is homed (in this example axis 2)

If I hit the Reset button and home again it is fine.  Always works on the 2nd try.  I have never been able to home on the 1st try.  I have never had a problem homing after the 2nd try.
The following error  in the DSPMC/IP Status monitor always shows 0.  I am wondering if this is a real following error or something else.
Tried different debounce settings and that didn't change anything.
It is not a major problem as I can still get the machine to work I just have to home twice for each axis.
Re: Following Error on Initialize
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2015, 12:01:22 PM »
Hello Sir,

Before anything else, do you currently have the latest Mach3 plugin and firmware available from our website? Also, when you say 1st try, do you mean that this problem only happens when you power up the system? And that after the 1st failed attempt, the 2nd, and every other subsequent attempt to home the machine is successful?

I ask this because when powering up the system, the DSPMC may take a few seconds to do an IP address resolution when connected to a DHCP server which means that if the DSPMC is assigned a new IP address, then connection is lost and may be the reason for the following error?

This, and most other issues, can be verified by opening the Debug Window from the System Tab of the plugin config (restarting Mach3 is required for the actual window to show up).

If you could perform the error, and take a screen capture of whatever is displayed in the black debug window, it would greatly assist us in resolving the issue.

-Marc Lim
Vital System Inc.
Re: Following Error on Initialize
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2015, 01:59:47 PM »

  Before anything else, do you currently have the latest Mach3 plugin and firmware available from our website?
I hajavascript:void(0);d the correct DLL version 4.0.19.  Firmware version was old (8.11).  Upgraded to version 8.24.  Still seeing the problem but not

Also, when you say 1st try, do you mean that this problem only happens when you power up the system?

Yes.  1.  Power on system.  2.  Start Mach3.  3.  Reset the "Reset" button.  3.  "Ref All Home" command or home each axis from the diagnostic page.  4.  Will get error on the 1st axis homed (axis 2 which is Z axis).  5.  Reset system.  6.  Home the Z axis from the diagnostic page.  7.  Z axis homes OK.  8.  do "Ref All Home" button again Z axis homes OK, Y axis will error (or home Y axis only from diagnostic page and Y axis will error).  9.  Reset system.  10.  Home Y axis again from diagnostic page.  Y axis homes OK.  11.  Repeat for X axis with same results.

I ask this because when powering up the system, the DSPMC may take a few seconds to do an IP address resolution when connected to a DHCP server which means that if the DSPMC is assigned a new IP address, then connection is lost and may be the reason for the following error?

It takes me a while to get to the pc after powering on the DSPMC so it has had time to boot.  Also I always have the debug window enabled and can see that the connection is made.  I also have this problem in this situation:  1.  Mach3 running OK after getting everything homed.  2.  Exit Mach3.  Wait.  Start Mach3 again.  3.  Cannot home axis on the 1st try.

After upgrading to ver 8.24 the Z axis (2) has only faulted on homing 1 out of 5 times after doing a power reset.  Axis 0, 1 have faulted every time.
Attached is a screen shot of the debug screen.

Re: Following Error on Initialize
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2015, 03:27:15 PM »
can you also send the mach3 profile so we can try to replicate the issue here.  thanks.
Re: Following Error on Initialize
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2015, 04:09:22 PM »
Attached is the xml file.
Re: Following Error on Initialize
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2015, 09:26:55 PM »

  The update you sent fixed the problem.