Hi all,
I haven't got Mach3 or 4 yet as I'm still on the fence as to whether a cnc machine will meet my needs. I want to use one to score glass ready for cutting and the glass scoring tool I want to use is a bit like a trolley wheel - where the scoring edge trails behind the centre point of rotation. So as you drag this tool across the glass, the swivelling scoring point will be a good few milimeters behind the centre and this will obviously cause inaccuracies when going round corners and curves.
The only similar cnc example I can think of is one for cutting card that has a trailing blade (a tangental cutter) - but this type of machine has a 4th axis, which I could use, and Mach3 supports, but it will add problems that will inhibit the glass from breaking as it should.
any advice appeciated.