is working here in ver .062 ==> Uled > invert > 301
Thanks for the Info. Starting with a source like Uled, on my development system (64 bit Win7 pro) invert will work sometimes and sometimes not. Pretty random with no obvious cause. I do not know if the behavior is the same on 32 bit.
In any case, my application is to use ESTOP (OEMled800), and with this source, it does not work inverted
at all and with nop the macro does not run until Estop is released (reset). The macro seems to get 'qued up', but does not execute until reset, so it is not useable in my application because I want the action to take place ON estop, not after.
Using a macro pump seems to be working fine, but the concern there is that a customer may already have one running. Can more than one Macropump run simultaneously?