I have a foam cutter which worked by slaving the two sides together at my school. Sometime while I wasn't at school, it became broken. I thought it was initially a power supply issue because all 4 fuses on the old board would instantly blow upon power up. New power supply (Meanwell SE-200-24 (8.8A, 24V) didn't help. So I got a new driver board to replace the old Mechatronics 4-axis bi-polar driver (no longer in production as far as I could tell). Being cheap... I got a TB6560-4V3 (see attached manual). I have everything hooked up in what appear to be the correct places and seem to have Mach3 hooked up correctly as well. The lights on the board indicating a signal light up for all axis for both g-code and jogging. In addition, the 12V and 5V lights are active. The only light not on is the "RLY" which I think was for a spindle relay that I don't have on a foam cutter. The trick here is that none of the steppers consistently work. Just jogging it, probably once in every 50+ attempts a stepper will turn. But it won't turn for more than a couple revs (but while it is turning it is smooth). Usually if it works for a one press it will also work the next couple presses. All of the steppers (Oriental PK266-02A, 2A steppers) behave like this (both the 4 on the machine and a spare I had). I have tried numerous combinations of different stepper speeds/steps/current/current decay settings as well as trying the board with only a single stepper in case there wasn't enough power available.
I know that my computer is working properly as well as Mach 3 because the same system works perfectly with a small 3-axis mill. I am really at a loss as to what could be wrong. I have checked all the connections, nothing seems burnt or sparking, wiggling wires didn't seem to effect anything. Could it just be a bad board or am I missing something?