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Author Topic: The 64bit decision...I'd like to hear your opinion  (Read 13235 times)

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Offline Hood

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Re: The 64bit decision...I'd like to hear your opinion
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2015, 01:03:38 PM »
Hopefully I can clear things up a bit.

Things like THC, Lathe Threading and Probing require very fast I/O and so they do not get executed directly in Mach itself. Art wrote them as part of the parallel port driver which can process things at the required speed.

Now if you use an external controller then these functions need to be supported in the plugin for that device. The reason is as above, they were in the driver and because you are using an external controller you are no longer using the driver.

So even if you were to install a 32bit OS so that you could install the driver, you would not be using the driver if you continued to use an external controller, the only way to use the driver would be to use the parallel port for your motion controller.

As mentioned the SS/ESS supports THC, the CSMIO products also support it, how well they work I have no idea as I have never needed or used THC.
Most of the other reputable controllers will also likely support THC, the lesser Chinese type will almost certainly not.

Re: The 64bit decision...I'd like to hear your opinion
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2015, 01:45:01 PM »
Thanks, I'm new to this and talked my boss into buying a used plasma table. Now the pressure is on to get it up and running and I'm wondering what I got myself into. :) Your answer helps clarify things. 

Offline Jeff_Birt

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Re: The 64bit decision...I'd like to hear your opinion
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2015, 01:55:34 PM »
THC functionality is not lost with an external motion device rather the external motion device mist support it.
Happy machining , Jeff Birt
Re: The 64bit decision...I'd like to hear your opinion
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2015, 06:12:54 PM »
I also have windows 7 64 bit, get an external motion controller; UC100. About $125. and works great.

Offline stirling

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Re: The 64bit decision...I'd like to hear your opinion
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2015, 07:26:37 AM »
I'm somewhat new to Mach3 so I don't know all the specifics. But from my experience and research it seems the built in Mach3 THC logic is erratic and somewhat difficult to get to work reliably. So, in reading info on other brand THC it seems that the ones with a dedicated plugin would be the most responsive and reliable. I also look for a system that is built and supported by a real person that I can talk English to if I have issues. ;)

My two-penneth if I may.

I've been building THCs for quite a few years now and in my experience Mach's parallel port THC functionality is neither erratic nor unreliable. I actually think it's very good. What ARE erratic and unreliable are SOME of the THC's out there. However, these THC's will be every bit as erratic and unreliable regardless of whether you use the PP or an external controller.

Offline BLM

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Re: The 64bit decision...I'd like to hear your opinion
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2015, 08:24:23 AM »
Please Stirling,
If you have the knowledge and insight then explain to me a problem that nobody has been able to answer. If a program is running and the THC up or down command is given Mach3 will not move Z. Sometimes if I pause the program then resume it will work the rest of the code. 9 out of 10 times tho it doesn't work to the point where I don't even expect it to! I would love to have somebody tell me what is wrong! Thanks, Brian
Re: The 64bit decision...I'd like to hear your opinion
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2015, 11:03:02 AM »
Any ideas why my CNC Z movement is so far off? I have configured and re-configured so many times and it doesn't change. Using Mach 3 with a Chineese CNC(ya I know I screwed up there) I use inches. The x & y are fine, but the z seems to be moving in mm's. from max + to max - the z dro reads 54.2 when it is only a 4" movement. Like I said the x & y move correctly.

Offline Jeff_Birt

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Re: The 64bit decision...I'd like to hear your opinion
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2015, 11:12:32 AM »
Hmmm...cheap Chinese machine not working right? What are the odds?

If you can post a copy of your profile maybe someone can help. Without seeing all of your settings it is like asking a mechanic to diagnose your car without lifting the hood :)
Happy machining , Jeff Birt
Re: The 64bit decision...I'd like to hear your opinion
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2015, 11:18:59 AM »
If only I had known. It's a Dongda TS3040C-H80 4 axis.

Offline BR549

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Re: The 64bit decision...I'd like to hear your opinion
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2015, 09:19:40 PM »
Brian you really should start a NEW subject as to avoid confusing answers. I am with Striling I have used the THC for years with Mach3. I suspect you have other problems.  What controller are you using Mach3 LPT or other ??

(;-) TP