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Author Topic: Copied/modified profile doesn't keep tool table?  (Read 2164 times)

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Copied/modified profile doesn't keep tool table?
« on: December 27, 2014, 12:01:26 PM »
As part of a workaround to the problem in my other post about reversed arcs/Dolphin I decided to make a renamed copy of my existing profile.  In it I unchecked the reversed arc box and expected to click on the "Dolphin" profile upon starting Mach and all things should  remain the same other than the one changed checkbox.  That way I wouldn't have to remember to change the config each time I use a Dolphin generated file.

It does exactly that other than the tooltable.  All of my carefully tweaked tool offsets are gone in the new profile!  Is there a way to transfer the tootable to the 2nd profile?
Milton from Tennessee ya'll.
Re: Copied/modified profile doesn't keep tool table?
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2014, 01:52:16 PM »
...transfer the tootable...
Nice spelling there Milton...doofus!

Anyhoo, I searched some more & found the solution.  Copy the tools3.dat file from Mach3/Macros/my existing profile folder to the new profile folder and Robert is your Father's brother. Easy-peasy.
Milton from Tennessee ya'll.