You either have a open motor winding or bad connection between the drive and motor. The motor connector plug has 4 female terminals pins and only 3 are used for the motor windings. My bet is the motor connector plug is miswired. Meaning only 2 of the 3 terminal pins are connected to the motor windings. Its very easy to miswire the terminal pins. The Chinese spindle motors don't have connection diagrams, you have to remove the screws on the motor male connector plug and lift it up to see what 3 pins are being used. Then solder the leads coming from the drive on the corresponding female connector pins.
At 400hz the motor rotor is locked with full 230V... at 100hz its only about 57V so its easier to turn by hand. A 3 phase motor will run on 2 phases if spun to start however, it will quickly damage the motor because of overcurrent on the 2 powered phases. That's why the red "Trip" light is flickering on the drive.
If the drive overcurrent protection parameters are set correctly for the motor full load amps the drive should trip on overcurrent.