Hi Neil:
From reading your post, it sounds like you are trying to machine an arc in the X/Z plane, or the Y/Z plane, but you do not refer to the G18 or G19 code at all. Mach3 is capable
of machining an arc/radial path in all three planes of motion:
X/Y plane, G17;
X/Z plane, G18;
Y/Z plane, G19;
Mach3 will display these three planes, and show the cutter path as it moves. You do not change anything in the Mach3 display.
You can read how to program the various planes in the Gcode reference files in the Mach3 page, starting with the G02 Code section.
Since the planes other than G17 are seldom used, there are no references to them, or programming, other than the above mentioned
definitions of G-codes.