Brand newbie here making my first parts.
Running on XP SP3 on a stripped down machine(not a laptop) no internet, no updates, etc...
Controller is The Soigeneris STDR-4C with Smooth stepper
Using OneCNC XR3 for CAM.
Aircuts run fine and so far out of 6 parts I have had Mach just stop in the middle of the program 3 times. No crash, just stop. Clicking on anything, Stop, Feed Hold, etc, brings up "Program Not responding" The next restart brings up "No USB Device found...try unplugging the USB cable and restarting" The next restart its fine.
I realize this could be a large number of things...but is there something I can try?
Also, so it just happened again and I made note of all the X,Y,Z locations, and shut down Mach restarted and then moved from that location back to 0,0,0 and reset my zeros. I then picked a spot about 10 lines earlier in the code and choose Run From Here.
The tool plunged straight down into my hold down bolt, a spot it never went to before.
So what happened and what is the best way to recover when the software stops responding?
Thanks for any help,