On smaller files I do that sometimes, but most of our files are pretty huge, and you have to hit the line right on the money and wait long enough for the toolpath window to update, so its not practical to scroll through 20,000 lines of gcode. As a guide I have been checking the program extrema to see if its within the right area, I got sloppy on this one and the problem showed up in the middle of the part. That the furstrating part, its not all the circles, its usually one or two in the middle or the END of the program so just when you think its all working great and you feel confortable focusing on something else then you hear that horrble screeching sound of step motors stalling as it tried to cut right through the table or workpeice. I have been playing with mastercam settings and I think I have a solution.... it just doesnt seem to be consistant, so I think that perhaps I am not understanding the problem completely, or.... I have a different problem and this is just a symptom. Its like a while back my system would loose position, over the course of one of the programs it "lost" 0.289 Inches on the x axis alone. I ran hundreds of tests and in the end didnt really change anything, just took forever to run the program because I would do it in steps and then check position.... it was all within spec.... never did get a good answer omn that one either.