Hey Gents,
Have my 30 x 36 XZero ViperXZ up and running and though I am pretty happy with its performance (just finished motor tuning with the demo version of Mach3) and before I spring for the full retail version, I was hoping a member or two can review my settings.
I have 270oz 6 wire Watai steppers wired for bi polar half coil, the drivers are the Wantai DQ542MA, generic DB25 BOB. I don't need any clarification on driver settings, I have that all sorted out and I am pretty sure I have my steps per all sorted out as the machine will accuratly move what ever units of measure I input (I am working in inches).
The settings in motor tuning that I would like an opion on are the Velocity/Accel/Hz/ and Step/Dir Pulse numbers (1 thru5).
First-with the Hz set at 35000Hz, it looks like I am limited to Velocities of around 500IPM. The steppers don't stall at 500, but to be safe I set them at 450IPM. This seems pretty quick to me, is there any reason on a table this size to go any faster?
Second-I have the accel set to 15 and I did get the steppers to stall at around 25 or 30. Is this also a fairly reasonable setting, or should one expect faster? Again, seems like a pretty smooth ramp up, but it would be nice to know if this is good or not.
Third-The direction and Step Pulse numbers housed in bottom right corner are set at 5. They were at 5 when I installed Mach, and I have never touched them. Any benefit to changing them or is this a "Don't fix if it aint broke" scenario.
Fourth-Last clarification (or opinion) is, I bumped my Hz setting up from the 25000 to 35000 to raise my velocity ceiling and Mach set the upper limit to 499 (as mention earlier, I set it at 450, and this works great), however, just out of curiousity, I bumped it up to 450000 and the steppers started running funny, basically they would move fast, then slow, then fast, then slow as they moved across the table. Is this just the computer reaching it's speed threshold? Thing is, I used the speed test utility that is included and it ran 100000Hz with no issue. The computer is a Win 7 running a 3.4ghz AMD Phenon Black Edition and kills the WEI test except for graphics (onboard). I moved the Hz upto the 100000 setting just to see what would happen and it seems to run fine, but the fact 45000 is a fail has scared me into staying at 35000.
Right now the machine runs very smoothly, accurately and reliably. Should I just move on to the full version of Mach and start making wood chips, or is there a setting I listed that might cause issues moving forward? Any input would be appreciated...