I have a Tormach 1100 running Mach3 version 3.043.066. It has been working well for a few months making parts. I have the Tormach shuttle attached to the unit and it also has been working with no trouble. Recently I started to get uncommanded Z motion while using the shuttle. Everything is working correctly and then suddenly while jogging Z up, its as if the shuttle suddenly becomes stuck, but it doesn't physically appear to be. Nothing will stop the motion once it starts, and the z axis will go up until the limit switch is reached (unless the E-stop or Reset is hit). It only occurs with the Z going up. While trying to trouble shoot this, I got ready to pull the shuttle's USB cable out of the computer. After about 1 hour of work, it happened and I pulled the cable while the runaway motion was occurring. It did not stop, but went all the way to the limit switch even though the shuttle was not even plugged in. What else could I do to trouble shoot this?