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Author Topic: JOG works right but cuts backwards or vice versa  (Read 9882 times)

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JOG works right but cuts backwards or vice versa
« on: July 13, 2013, 12:38:54 PM »
I have set zero on the CNC to the front left corner of the table. If I have it set so it's jogs manually in the right directions the text on X axis is backwards. If I have the manual jog so it goes the wrong way it cuts the text fine. What the heck?? I tried wiring the motors differently but it's not that as when the jog controls work right it cuts wrong. If I jog it and it increases the X and it goes to the rear of the table it cuts text backwards. If I change it so it goes the wrong way, such as when I hit X+ and it goes to the front of the table, but it cuts right.

I read the home should be front left and Z as high as it will go.

What is wrong please??


Offline Hood

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Re: JOG works right but cuts backwards or vice versa
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2013, 05:58:17 PM »
Likely your axis need changed direction by  changing the active state of the Dir output in Ports and Pins, Motor Setup and Also you Jog keys would seem to be backwards. Presume you are meaning keyboard jogging? If so then you can change the key assignment from Config menu then System HotKeys.

Re: JOG works right but cuts backwards or vice versa
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2013, 01:18:10 AM »
Thanks Hood I'll check it out when I am back home. I appreciate your input and help, Thanks! ;D


Offline Jeff_Birt

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Re: JOG works right but cuts backwards or vice versa
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2013, 06:25:45 AM »
Always judge the direction of movement as though the bit were moving. For example on a milling machine the table moves in X&Y, not the bit, so when you press the right arrow key the table should move left (same as bit moving right.) The Z axis on a mill actually moves the bit so the 'Up' key actually moves the bit up.
Happy machining , Jeff Birt
Re: JOG works right but cuts backwards or vice versa
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2013, 04:11:30 PM »
Likely your axis need changed direction by  changing the active state of the Dir output in Ports and Pins, Motor Setup and Also you Jog keys would seem to be backwards. Presume you are meaning keyboard jogging? If so then you can change the key assignment from Config menu then System HotKeys.


If I click the X axis so it has a checkmark under reverse then it jogs fine but cuts backwards. I don't care about the jog so much it's just that right now I wanted to use the soft limits and I can't with the X going the wrong way. If I TAB and click on the X+ I want it to go X+ not X-. If I fix the one thing then the other is wrong again. It's very odd.


Offline Hood

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Re: JOG works right but cuts backwards or vice versa
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2013, 04:59:22 PM »
Please attach your xml and I will have a look.
Re: JOG works right but cuts backwards or vice versa
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2013, 08:54:30 PM »
xml attached

Offline Hood

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Re: JOG works right but cuts backwards or vice versa
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2013, 02:21:22 PM »
What type of machine do you have, ie a knee mill? Gantry Router? or?

Re: JOG works right but cuts backwards or vice versa
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2013, 07:12:57 PM »
3 axis gantry router.

Offline Hood

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Re: JOG works right but cuts backwards or vice versa
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2013, 01:49:07 AM »
Ok so your X axis should go left to right with the right arrow key and also the X++ on the tab screen and the DRO should count up.
Y should be similar, ie move away from you when pressing the Up arrow key or Y++ on tab screen.

Is that not the case for you? If so which is wrong?