Hi Stirling,
Really sorry if I have upset people, I really appreciate the help that people are giving me. I don't think I abandoned the thread I had a message telling me it had been removed.
Yes I have posted on another forum just trying to get answers but the content is always the same, I cannot get the machine to cut what is on the screen (produced by me and others) no matter what I do.
All of the port issues had on another forum where caused as I tried to swap computers to deal with the issue and the only reason I have two forums running was that I thought that this one would be able to help me more with mach3.
Any help is truly appreciated and once this is sorted I do intend to try and help others (once I have learned) unfortunatlley I have clients to for fil orders for in the next two weeks so I think I need to sub the work out if I cant get it sorted today.
One again thank you