I have build an cnc machine with the pokeys 56U.It works all fine on the first look.
Now i have a Problem when i jog my axes with keyboard or joystick the continue jog are work fine but when i reach the edge of whatever i must use the step jogging.
And there is my problem.When i zero my axes and then step jogging with cycle jog step 0,0100 the first move are go to 0,0094 the second goes to 0,0219 and so on.
At the fifth push im at 0,0500.
When i use cycle jog step 0,0010 then there move with 0,0031 steps.
When i use cycle jog step 0,0001 then mach3 do nothing.mach3 should go one up but he does nothing.
This phenomenon its on my cnc computer with aktiv machine and the same its on my home pc without machine.
I have different mach3 version testet all the same.And different Hardware and windows too
At this point where i gave my settings for my driver and motors in mach3 this problem beginns.
I tested whether it is on Pokeys plugin.without success.
Now on a fresh mach3 install without nothing only the settings in motortunnig for my motors the same problem.
is it possible with mach3 of positioning accurately with joystick or keyboard?
When i use cycle step 0,0100 why does mach3 0,0094?
Did i missing some setup?Have i oversee a adjustment?