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Author Topic: Trouble- Mach seems to work, motors not responding  (Read 3448 times)

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Trouble- Mach seems to work, motors not responding
« on: March 10, 2013, 05:50:10 PM »
Howdy!  I've been running my cnc mill with Mach3 since 2009, then today I could not get any of the stepper motors to respond. Mach shows movement on the screen, but X,Y, and Z will not move. To my knowledge, nothing has been changed. I still hear the motors are powered up-All connections seem to be in place. I've run out of ideas. I rolled the computer back to last month, when all was fine.

Not sure if there was a driver update, or a component failure. Driving me nuts. Anybody have this happen? Any suggestions for things to check are most appreciated.

Mine is a Joe's cnc 4X4 Hybrid- three axis machine X, A+Y ganged, Z. Hobby cnc configuration.. Help, please!!! ;)
« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 05:51:48 PM by Rich Rice »

Offline Hood

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Re: Trouble- Mach seems to work, motors not responding
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2013, 06:09:26 PM »
Sounds like your hardware may be at fault, loose connections or similar. I know you said you checked that but if Mach is moving the DROs when you jog then it sounds like that is the problem.
If you have a scope you can check at the port, if you dont then you could check the Direction pins with a voltmeter. Connect the meter between a dir pin and a Gnd pin on the parallel port then jog the axis one way then the other, the voltage should go between 0v and 5v or vice versa.
Re: Trouble- Mach seems to work, motors not responding
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2013, 06:47:17 PM »
Sounds like your hardware may be at fault, loose connections or similar. I know you said you checked that but if Mach is moving the DROs when you jog then it sounds like that is the problem.
If you have a scope you can check at the port, if you dont then you could check the Direction pins with a voltmeter. Connect the meter between a dir pin and a Gnd pin on the parallel port then jog the axis one way then the other, the voltage should go between 0v and 5v or vice versa.
Thank you for the advice. It's very cold out there now, as night is rapidly approaching. I will open up the controller box and see what it looks like in the morning. I had a suspicion it would be wiring or component failure, but when all four motors are energized, yet immobile- it seems like a communication problem. Definitely appreciate your help!  ;)


Offline Hood

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  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: Trouble- Mach seems to work, motors not responding
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2013, 07:29:36 PM »
I would start at the back of the computer first, remove cable and check directly on port.
Re: Trouble- Mach seems to work, motors not responding
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2013, 08:35:03 AM »
Well, it appears that Mach is configured and functioning properly, I'm trying to get the ambition to go back out there- but it's cold, dark, damp, and very hard to reach.. I spent most of the day fooling with it yesterday, then several trips there overnight to try different things. I get nervous poking around in sensitive electronic equipment with a meter, as I have a history of compounding electronic problems by trying to measure things I should not- I've ruined a few guitar amps by doing stuff like that, electronics is not my strongest suit. Years ago I took a college course in electronics, butt it did not relate to what I wanted to learn about- and the instructor was a design engineer for Motorola, so the course was above my level right from the start.. Now I know just enough to be dangerous. I worked as an electrician for many years, but electronics is a different field. Hope I don't make things worse...