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Author Topic: Spindle PWM acceleration and deceleration time?  (Read 8380 times)

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Spindle PWM acceleration and deceleration time?
« on: February 13, 2013, 08:57:06 AM »
I setup the Spindle PWM and work.

But I wonder.
Why PWM signal does not accelerate or decelerate?

When I switch to M3,
immediately sends pulses of "S" (speed), without accelerating.

When I turn to M5,
immediately turn off the pulse train.

Mainly I'm interested in accelerating the switch.
for example with M3S15000

When I change M3S12000 speed, M3S14000, M3S16000 ... changing the pulse train without acceleration.

It is normal that sends Mach3 PWM signal without acceleration?

What I look for is a soft start motor.

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: Spindle PWM acceleration and deceleration time?
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2013, 11:52:18 AM »
Hi Riphet,

I am no expert here but in all the cases I have seen...

The motor Acceleration and Deceleration times are specified parameters within the VFD manufacturers setup menu.

Once the CW run signal (M3 in Mach) is received by the VFD, the motor will accelerate up to the actual PWM requested speed over the pre-set time interval. The motor then follows a similar pre-set deceleration interval when the CW run signal (M5 in Mach) is removed.

Re: Spindle PWM acceleration and deceleration time?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2013, 03:16:22 PM »
I setup the Spindle PWM and work.

But I wonder.
Why PWM signal does not accelerate or decelerate?

When I switch to M3,
immediately sends pulses of "S" (speed), without accelerating.

When I turn to M5,
immediately turn off the pulse train.

Mainly I'm interested in accelerating the switch.
for example with M3S15000

When I change M3S12000 speed, M3S14000, M3S16000 ... changing the pulse train without acceleration.

It is normal that sends Mach3 PWM signal without acceleration?

What I look for is a soft start motor.

Mach3 does not use the motor tuning acceleration values for the Spindle axis when generating the PWM signal through the parallel port.

That said the SmoothStepper does use it when generating the PWM output.


Homann Designs
email: peter at homanndesigns.com
Re: Spindle PWM acceleration and deceleration time?
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2013, 08:34:57 PM »
Hi Riphet,

I am no expert here but in all the cases I have seen...

The motor Acceleration and Deceleration times are specified parameters within the VFD manufacturers setup menu.

Once the CW run signal (M3 in Mach) is received by the VFD, the motor will accelerate up to the actual PWM requested speed over the pre-set time interval. The motor then follows a similar pre-set deceleration interval when the CW run signal (M5 in Mach) is removed.


Thank you very much

I'm poor, I have no VFD.
Only use a simple triac with optocoupler.

Re: Spindle PWM acceleration and deceleration time?
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2013, 09:25:07 PM »
I setup the Spindle PWM and work.

But I wonder.
Why PWM signal does not accelerate or decelerate?

When I switch to M3,
immediately sends pulses of "S" (speed), without accelerating.

When I turn to M5,
immediately turn off the pulse train.

Mainly I'm interested in accelerating the switch.
for example with M3S15000

When I change M3S12000 speed, M3S14000, M3S16000 ... changing the pulse train without acceleration.

It is normal that sends Mach3 PWM signal without acceleration?

What I look for is a soft start motor.

Mach3 does not use the motor tuning acceleration values for the Spindle axis when generating the PWM signal through the parallel port.

That said the SmoothStepper does use it when generating the PWM output.



After trying several configurations,
I suspected: Mach3 ignored and no use some tuning values ​​for the Spindle.
Maybe not use all values ​​of motor tuning?

Then only work with Spindle SetUp, Motor Control:
Check use spindle motor output
Check PWM control.
PWM Base and minimum PWM
and that's all.

The motor tunning and setup is ignored by Mach3 (case Spindle). ???

Independently, moreover:
Of course I'm interested in very high quality pulse train.

So I need an FPGA board with wireless, cheap for a poor.

I'm in cheerful.

I appreciate your time and attention.