Hello All,
I replaced a 1 motor chain drive on the x-axis with 1605 ball screws on each side of the gantry. Mach is set up in inches so I did the math and came up with 2013.597 steps
on the x and A(slave) motors. I think I did the math right starting with a 5mm pitch on the screws. My problem is that when I tell Mach to move 5 inches in the x , it
measures short. In order to solve the problem I increased the steps to 2050.
My question is if this is a viable way to correct the error or is there something else I should be doing?
I also set the velocity to 30 and the acceleration to 2 which seems to be accurate with a stop watch.
My problem with the velocity is now none of the axis controls react to the "shift" key and "arrow' key to go "faster".
Thank you for any guidance.
425 oz motors
200 steps/rev
driver set to 1:2