Your XML is not particularly well structured (it way over uses attributes and unneccessarily uses different names for otherwise common elements) but here is a quicky example of iterating through each
child (Row1, Row2 etc.) of the
root node (Tabelle) and printing out the value of the "CNC_Speed"
attribute of those child nodes.
Just copy it into the Mach CB editor, CHANGE the variable
xmlFile TO THE FULL PATH/FILENAME OF YOUR XML and run. The values will display each second in the message DRO.
I've made no attempt at catching any errors so what you see is what you get
Option Explicit
Dim xmlDoc, xmlFile, xmlRows, i
'create a DOM
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.async = "false"
'load the xml
xmlFile = "Plasma_Data.xml"
xmlDoc.load (xmlFile)
'get all the children of the Tabelle element i.e. all the Row1, Row2 etc. etc.
Set xmlRows = xmldoc.selectSingleNode("Tabelle").childNodes
'loop through them displaying the CNC_Speed attribute
For i=0 To xmlRows.length - 1
message xmlRows(i).getAttribute("CNC_Speed")
sleep 1000 'so we can see them displayed
'tidy up
Set xmlRows = Nothing
Set xmlDoc = Nothing
To season to taste google "XML DOM using VBScript" or similar.