I can understand this if as on the picture of my first post there is room to go just beyond the "reference metal block" and then stop. I would call this a "side" approach.
I have another switch where there is a "frontal" approach, in the axis of the reference switch. In this case I would fear the behaviour you describe, as the process would be :
- approach, the LED is OFF
- about 1mm from the switch, the LED goes ON
- Beyond the switch, after a crash I presume, the LED would go OFF and the motor would stop then.
I would think that the motor should stop when the LED goes ON. The alternative is to modify the position of the reference switch, but this would be strange. I am building a German kit that is clearly designed with this frontal approach.
In attachment the view of the X axis. The table comes close to the reference switch, frontally.
One attached picture show the reference switch (without the table). The second picture shows the table. The inner side (grey/blue) of the table travels in direction of the switch, frontally.
Regards, Philippe