When Isolation Routing double sided PCB’s I drill two holes in the PCB blank (one is the datum and one the reference) to locate the work on two pins in the spoil board on the machine. This method enables good location of the tracks when machining each side and also for hole drilling etc. (always using the same datum point for X zero / Y zero).
After reading this post and watching the video
http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,22555.0.html I thought I would try visual location of the datum and reference holes (using my cross hair pointer) and use ‘Local System Rotate’ just to see if it was an easier method.
Then using 3 CB buttons (at the bottom of my Mach screen) it is as easy as ABC. Well it’s almost that easy.
Obviously this was only experimental so it is bit of a ‘quick & dirty’ solution and it needs work to tidy up the user interface side of things but it works.
Button A turns on the cross hair pointer, sets slow jogging and brings up the status message ‘Locate Datum then click Button B’
Button B resets X and Y axis DRO’s to zero and brings up the status message ‘Locate Reference then click Button C’
Button C is where the calculation takes place – the current X and Y axis position (reference) is used to calculate ArcTan of the angle which is then used to set the Local System Rotate. The offset between the cross hair pointer position and the spindle position is factored in and the X and Y axis moved to bring the spindle to the datum position. Jog speed is reset to normal etc. and the status message ‘Complete’ is displayed.
As it turns out this method works very well and in operation is an equivalent to the system used in the aforementioned video. It can handle any rotation or position of the work (within + / - 90 degrees).
Although the accuracy I achieved is acceptable it could definitely be much improved by using a webcam for the hole location and Klaus’s video window (camera plugin).
http://www.kd-dietz.com/klausphp/pages/ger/plugins/webcam/description/wcam_description.html It is not a quicker method than my existing system of using the two dowel pins but it may have advantages with odd shaped circuit boards and possibly alteration of existing boards so definitely warrants further investigation.
My next step – fit a webcam to the Z axis.
A short video of the result