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Author Topic: Mitre saw runout  (Read 7522 times)

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Mitre saw runout
« on: August 18, 2012, 10:57:07 AM »
Attached is a simple mitre saw runout screen
let me know what you think

Re: Mitre saw runout
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2012, 11:06:31 AM »
The reset jpg needs to be in the Mach3 bitmaps dir. for this set to work.
This screenset is for a double mitre saw set at 45 deg, I have changed the buttons on our screen to reflect the material being cut.
there are about 6 fixtures for this saw, each can cut more than one extrusion and all need there own offset.
The home offset is the first fixture, all other offsets are the difference between this and what is needed.
This works out quite well as you can just change this value to adjust for different blade kerfs without the
need to change all offsets. (Mach3 needs to be in absolute mode)
The operator must key in "g0" for the first movement, after that it's just X and the length

What I would like to add are LEDs keyed to each fixture button so the operator could see
from a distance what is selected.
And yes I know my reset looks funky, but I haven't figured that one out either.
