Hi All,
I'm messing with 2 versions of Mach3 - 3.42.020 & 3.042.029
A plasma cutting plugin is installed once Mach has been installed. For certain reasons I've been un-installing Mach / plugin then re-installing to the other version of Mach.
I noticed the THC (torch height control) button was not working. This is a toggle button with an LED to go with it. I checked on another computer which had recently had the very first install of Mach and the THC button worked fine. I un-installed Mach on this computer then re-installed and the THC button did not work any more. So I've managed to repeat this problem on two independant computers.
It seems the un-install and re-install of Mach3 is corrupting something. I am now going to format the drive on my workshop computer and re-install XP. If this issue is repeatable then in my case an un-install of Mach3 means a re-install of XP just for Mach to install correctly.
Another point of note is that when I re-installed Mach3 (no plugin install yet) I opened the plasma profile and the THC button would not work (just in case the plugin is being blamed).
Anyone got any ideas ??