Please look at this short video of my system after I did the latest Windows Vista Update
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7wAvIYpWw0&feature=youtu.beThe biggest problem are the pauses between line of code in the X or Y axis. It does not seem to have a problem with the Z axis.
Things that I have tried to fix it:
1) Searched Mach3 forum...I saw a few posts but see no resolutions.
2) Installed R3.043.062...Pauses stayed the same but had other issues. Went back to R3.043.022
3) Used Windows System Restore to a point when Mach3 was working fine...Still have pauses.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I have a job for the mill coming up and I don't think I can run it this way.
Other issues that are just minor but maybe someone has an answer.
1) Long spindle Dwell after spindle start up but before Z axis movement. Shown towards end of video.
2) While in Single Step mode and Feed Hold is pressed while the machine is still in motion. Pessing Cycle Start, Single Step mode is disabled.
Thanks for looking,