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Author Topic: PC Specification??  (Read 5526 times)

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PC Specification??
« on: April 11, 2012, 02:25:03 PM »
Hi everyone
Just a simple question! I am in the process of tuning my steppers, when in config (motor tuning) I can get the motors to run sweet, smooth, & quick.
As soon as I save these settings and return to the run screen and then use the keyboard to jog they run rough and lumpy!!

I have read that the general consensus is when in the run screen the PC is using more resource than when in the config state.
My PC is a HP P4 3.0 with 1GB of ram, video card installed, clean apart from whats needed. At the moment I am setting using the demo version of Mach

So my question/s are
Can someone confirm the make, model, spec of a known PC that does the job of running Mach 3 well" ?
I am sure this question sounds simple but apart from buying / trying numerous PC's how can you tell?
Are there other options out there to sort this problem that are cost effective?

Thank you for any help and guidence you can offer
Ex Apprenice

Offline RICH

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Re: PC Specification??
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 06:37:40 PM »
What does the graph in the dirver test look like?
If there are a lot of spikes something is interfering with Mach's share time with Windows. Also the pulse signal from the pc may be the problem.

The pc I had put together which works great is as follows:
- Asus motherboard - M2N68-AM SE2
- 2 GIG Ram
- AMD 64X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+ 2.7 Ghz
- Asus graphics Card - EN9600GSO
- Rosewill PCI pp card - RC302
Your mileage may differ!

How did I know it would work? I didn't!
I had a deal with the company that put it together for me, that if it did not satisfy my needs in any way, they would upgrade or modify any part of the pc until it did. I would only pay for increased cost of a component. Best $50 fee i ever spent to have a pc put together.

You could also use a SS to eliminate a bad pulse signal.


Re: PC Specification??
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2012, 03:58:07 AM »
Hi Rich

Thank you for your reply

The graph under driver test is pretty good, one small spike other than that its pretty much a flat line (unless I go up to 60K or above)
Its just really annoying that under the config set up all the motors run really well, if they stayed like that it would be brilliant, but as soon as I save and jog via the run screen is when it all goes bad.
Does that mean under config the pulse signal is good and under run something is interupting the quality.
I am sure this can be solved with a different PC hence the request, I will carry on building in the knowledge (I hope) that I can just replace the PC at a later date.
Thanks for the SS suggestion, a bit more quite reading up on SS but being in the UK a lot of things required will need to be shipped over .
Thanks again

Ex apprentice
Re: PC Specification??
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2012, 10:24:20 AM »
click tab on your keyboard and check that your "slow jog rate" is 100%, if not click on the box and change it.
Re: PC Specification??
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2012, 10:37:28 AM »
Thanks Angel Tech

will do
didn't think, so many other things going and to think about apart from trying to build my machine.
Does anyone use a Dell machine, if so can they post the spec and how it performs


Ex Apprentice
Re: PC Specification??
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2012, 10:44:09 AM »
i've used most dell desktops without any major problems

Offline RICH

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Re: PC Specification??
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2012, 12:01:27 PM »
Are you using a Dell?
Forget what my model # is but it just plain sucked for CNC using the PP. Worked fine with a SS.
Others may have a different experience.
Re: PC Specification??
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2012, 01:12:08 PM »
Hi Rich

No not using a Dell, for some reason I went for a HP, I seem to remember a similar comment somewhere regarding Dell PC's

Offline Hood

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Re: PC Specification??
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2012, 02:12:22 PM »
I have not used the parallel port for quite a few years so cant say for sure but recently I used a Asus mini ITX motherboard in the Bridgeport. I tested the parallel port only with driver test but it was perfect up to the max of 100KHz, totally flat line with no spikes,  so it looked like it would have worked well. As said however I never actually tested it on a machine via the parallel port but I would be fairly confident that it would work well. I cant remember the exact model but it was one of the Atom based embedded motherboards.
Re: PC Specification??
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2012, 04:35:13 PM »
Hi Hood

Thanks for the response, hope your keeping well, no I haven't forgot I still have your driver all boxed and safe, just in case.
Got all the electronics boxed and seems OK, built the z axis and gantry, just wanted to test things out before going to far with my concept.
I have come up with a novel way of creating the linear bearings (I think, seems to work and should be sufficient for this build)
As you can see I am still dabbling with the machine (monster) as and when I can get on it.
The PC I have for mach also shows a good graph on the driver test maybe not at peak but up to 60K its good
I was really pleased with the performance of the set up during the tuning, until, as I have said I went back to the run screen
I will try "Angel Techs" suggestion regarding the slow jog rate when next at play time
The reason for asking about PC spec's, I believe my HP although looks more than up to the job is doing something in the background when I change from tuning to run
As always I am trying to keep the costs down, its easy to to throw money at things but that's not in the spirit of DIY or challenging and what do I learn if I just go out and buy a machine
(Typical Engineer)
Any way back to the PC spec question, I will have to try and find a PC tech and ask what could be going on
I am sure there are loads of PC's that are spot on for this application, its just finding out which ones and why


Ex apprentice