Here is a "Text box/choice box"
Adapted from the cypress enable doc's:
Sub Main ()
Begin Dialog ZeroToolCheck 60, 60, 160, 70, "Do you have the bit zeroed on the surface?"
CHECKBOX 10, 10, 48, 12, "Yes", .checkInt
CHECKBOX 10, 30, 48, 12, "No", .checkInt
OKBUTTON 110, 34, 40, 12
CANCELBUTTON 110, 54, 40, 12
End Dialog
Dim Dlg1 As ZeroToolCheck
Dialog Dlg1
'MsgBox Dlg1.checkInt
End Sub
You will have to adapt it to your needs, (recommend reading the Cypress Enable doc of the support docs this website.
Scott "poppabear"