Both using the latest version as the latest lockdown version I notice a different behaviour from my machine movement at high speeds from jogging to some code. This happens in all axis.
For example, if I jog at top speed from X=0 to X=200 (more or less) and if I command G0 X200 from position X=0, the movement in MDI line (or running any gcode file) is always with a worst quality (seams at bursts). The computer is good hardware and the windows only have Mach3 installed. Kernel speed is 45000Hz, and this only happens at high speeds. If I lower the motors speeds to +- half this does not happen. I cannot test at lower kernel speed, because in that situation the top speed of the motors would be quite lower.
Can it be a BOB issue (should not be as in JOG the movement is smooth), or this is reported anywere - known issue?
Any ideia?